Sleeping Aid Sound Therapy

Sleeping Aid Sound Therapy

Many people use sleeping aid sound therapy to help with insomnia, sleep disorders, or just to help create a comfortable sleep environment. Whether it's stress related or the result of a medical problem, sound therapy can significantly help people in falling and staying asleep, as well as getting deep, REM sleep. Other effective methods to improving sleep include aids like sleeping masks and aromatherapy, and a combination of these might work especially well.

Sound Therapy

Sleeping aid sound therapy usually starts with a sound machine. Sleep sound machines are pre-programmed with sounds that are comforting to people sleeping, like white noise, rain, a heartbeat, or ambient music. Sleep machines help dull the sensory input brains crave, making the likelihood of waking up from outside noises far less. By quieting brain sensory input, people can stay asleep longer. Sound therapy comes in the form of sound machines and recordings that you can play on a speaker.

Other Sleeping Aids

Light can distract people when they are trying to sleep, and it is not always possible to darken your space completely. In these cases, sleep masks are helpful. Aromatherapy, like diffusing lavender oil, has been proven to help many people fall asleep. Many people wake up because they have been snoring; in those cases, sleeping aid chin straps can be helpful. Deep-breathing can also aid people in falling asleep. Many find that establishing a routine with a set time to begin sleep, using any sleeping aids that work, helps many people who experience insomnia. Combine any of these according to your needs for optimal comfort.

Alternative Sleep Therapy

An exhausted body is more likely to crave rest. Integrating regular exercise into a day of activity helps many get better sleep at night. Likewise, diet management, yoga, and meditation are all methods to help people establish more consistent sleep cycles.


For some people, a sleep sound machine may not be ideal. In these cases, sleeping headphones are a good alternative. For people who want to wear sleeping masks but find that the pressure on their eyes is uncomfortable, there are sleeping masks with contoured eye areas. Aromatherapy sprays for sleeping can go on bedding, an alternative to aromatherapy diffusing.