Walkers & Canes

Getting around at home or popping up to the shops shouldn't be a giant pain in the leg. When short-term or permanent mobility issues prevent you or a loved one from enjoying the freedom of walking freely, it might be time to invest in the hands-on approach of a mobility walker. Depending on your specific circumstances, various mobility aids such as walking frames, rollators and even a single-point cane or walking stick can provide much-needed support. Mobility walkers offer comfort, practicality, reliability and of course smooth mobility. The right choice is the one that gives you the confidence to put your best foot forward and go places independently.

Basic two-wheel mobility walker options include lightweight aluminium side-folding walking frames with wheels at the front and skis or slides at the rear. This type of device is height adjustable to suit each elderly or walking-impaired person's needs. They usually fold into a compact size by pressing a single button, making them easy to store and transport. A standard model might have walker depth of approximately 46cm, width between handles of 52cm, handle height of 76-93cm and a weight capacity of 110kg.

Foldable rollators come with 4 wheels, a height adjustable seat and handles with up to 6 different levels, and sometimes dual braking methods with dual-action handbrakes as well as weight-activated brakes. A quality model would hold a maximum load of around 125kg and feature oversized 8-inch puncture-proof wheels that swivel at the front. It is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Many items also contain a storage basket or box under the seat. Another alternative is a knee-scooter mobility walker featuring a height adjustable knee pad designed for added comfort and a wide front axle for stability and easy steering. These devices are perfect for people who have suffered a foot, ankle or lower-leg injury. Mobility walkers are predominantly a combination of black and another colour such as blue, burgundy, pink, silver or gold.