Fitness Skip & Jump Ropes

Fitness Skip and Jump Ropes

Fitness skip and jump ropes are the perfect tools for getting a cardio workout that engages the whole body. They are so small and lightweight that you can take one with you anywhere. Jumping rope is great for increasing your speed and endurance, and it can even help sharpen your hand-eye coordination. There are many types of fitness skip and jump ropes available, making it simple for you to find one that helps you achieve your personal fitness goals.

Leather Fitness Skip and Jump Ropes

Leather fitness skip and jump ropes are a good choice for working on speed. Most leather fitness jump ropes feature a thin cord that moves through the air very quickly. For even more speed, choose a leather fitness jump rope with ball bearings in the handles. This allows the rope to move smoothly and continuously without twisting up. This type of fitness rope is a popular choice for boxers and martial artists.

Plastic Fitness Skip and Jump Ropes

Those just beginning to use this kind of fitness equipment benefit from plastic fitness skip and jump ropes, because most are easy to adjust. This means you can experiment to find a rope length that works well for you. These jump ropes come in a wide array of colours, such as red, green, and pink, so you can pick one that suits your style. Find a plastic jump rope with or without ball bearings in the handles.

Nylon Fitness Skip and Jump Ropes

Nylon fitness skip and jump ropes come in various thicknesses. If you are interested in speed jumping, a thin nylon rope is a good choice. However, if you want to start a little slower and work on your hand-eye coordination, a thicker nylon jump rope is available. This material is very lightweight and flexible, which makes it easy to store.

Beaded Fitness Skip and Jump Ropes

Beaded fitness skip and jump ropes are ideal for working on arm strength as well as endurance. The beads come in various weights, so you can find a rope that is heavy enough to fully engage your arm muscles. A rope with beads is also a good choice for beginners who want to work on their jumping rhythm, because the beads make a sound when they touch the ground that can make it easier to maintain a steady tempo while skipping rope.