Artists' Watercolour Paint

Artists Watercolour Paints

For beginners to professional artists, having a wide range of paint colours to paint your watercolour masterpieces is essential. Watercolour paints are available in plastic palettes of paint cakes that are great for beginners so they have a good mix of colour in one spot. These palettes are also cheaper than buying individual paints. Individual paint tubes are also available varying in degrees of quality. These paints can range in price but in the long run, are more expensive. You can also find a wider range of colours if buying individual tubes. The tubes tend to be more concentrated in colour so you have to work with the colours a bit more when painting.

Watercolour Paint Brushes

Watercolour paintbrushes are another essential item when creating your masterpiece. These paintbrushes work specifically with the watercolour medium and the special paper that you would use. The brushes can stay wet and it doesn’t affect the brush, paint or paper. The fibres can vary for watercolour paintbrushes but the better quality brush, the more expensive they will be. Additionally, there are several sizes of brushes and shapes of the brush head. The brushes help you to properly paint the way a watercolour brush should and control the amount of water you are using.

Watercolour Art Paper

Watercolour paints use a specific type of paper that can hold the water without affecting the grain and texture of it. Certain watercolour techniques require a good amount of water on the paper, because of this special