Electric Horse Fence Posts

Protect your Animals With Electric Fence Posts

To keep your animals in a central location, use electric fence posts for horses. Options from eBay keep your horses from dangerous areas and prevent injuries to humans or farm animals.

Are white electric fence posts available in plastic?

Yes. Plastic provides durability and since it does not conduct electricity, it reduces the likelihood of accidents. Plastic electric fence stakes on eBay are moulded from solid plastic, and they can stand up to the pressures of daily farm life. Most options on eBay start at two feet and go up to five feet.

Quickly install temporary fencing with electric fence posts

Many people require temporary fencing when they are moving their horses, and eBay has posts which are ideal for quick installation and removal. Each electric fence post in this category is usually made from white or green plastic, so horses can see it easily. These are often available in packs of 20 or more, so you get the number you need to create a small paddock.

Posts in these packs come with a spiked end, which makes them easy to push into the ground. They remain steady enough to create stable fencing for a short while, and their design makes them easy to remove afterwards. Many poles have rubber safety caps placed at their lower section and come with up to eight clips for quick installation.

What size fence posts do you need?

Several vendors on eBay have electrical fence posts that are two feet high, and while these may be high enough to keep in really young foals, they may not suit your yearlings. Look for options that are at three, four, or even five feet for bigger horses. These will prevent them from jumping out.

Electrical fence posts often come with pre-formed loops which make it easy to apply tape. These loops are wide enough to fit tape of any width that is required for your horses to spot it easily. They also offer the following benefits:

  • Easy measurement, since quoted figures are from the top of the post to the bottom of the spike.
  • Separate slots for tape, wire, and rope, to keep you organised during installation.
  • They can be used with all conventional types of tape, rope, and wire.
Easily plan for strip grazing

Many vendors on eBay provide electrical fence posts that are designed for strip grazing. They are sturdy enough to remain in position on different types of terrain, and you can even allow your animals to graze on top of a hill. Long, semi-permanent posts will even keep in your ponies which can easily jump short fences.