Portable Infrared Saunas

 Enjoy The Health Benefits With Your Own Infrared Sauna


Some days, all we want is to sit back, relax and enjoy a sauna - without having to leave the comfort of our own homes. Have you always dreamed of having a sauna at your house, but the budget hasn’t allowed for it? That’s where a portable infrared sauna from eBay comes in.

A portable infrared sauna has been designed so it won’t take up a lot of space in your home when it’s not in use, and of course, it won’t get in the way when you’re enjoying some relaxation time. You can even still watch the kids if you have to, while reaping the rewards of the infrared technology. Start shopping today and start enjoying yourself more.

What are portable infrared saunas?

Portable infrared saunas function just like a typical infrared sauna. You get in, switch it on, and the infrared heaters heat up, producing no noise or steam. They give a temperature of around 60°C to 70°C within 5-10 minutes and they are low humidity, allowing you to relax in comfort at the gentle push of a button.

To get that heat, they use infrared heaters with minimal EMF (electromagnetic field) to emit a wavelength of light that is then absorbed by our body's water, fat, and muscle. As a result, our body temperature rises, as does our heart rate.

The best thing about portable infrared saunas is that you can take them anywhere – indoors or outdoors. That’s what they are designed for. They're perfect for relaxing on the deck, in the loungeroom while you’re watching TV, excursions to the beach or even to take away for a little bonus relaxation when you’re camping or heading to a sauna-less resort. For those considering purchasing a portable sauna to take on holiday with you, make sure you check the size and weight of your chosen model to ensure that it complies with airline requirements. The bulk of them are lightweight and can be dismantled to weigh less than your typical luggage allowance.

If you’re searching for a quick solution to de-stress, or an added bonus in your fitness regime, check out the full range of saunas available on eBay.