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![Little Kiwi Counts the Chicks by Bob Darroch [Paperback, 24 pages] - Picture 1 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o4gAAeSweclnrwAm/s-l500.jpg)
![Little Kiwi Counts the Chicks by Bob Darroch [Paperback, 24 pages] - Picture 2 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ONYAAeSwiLpnrwAm/s-l500.gif)
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![Little Kiwi Counts the Chicks by Bob Darroch [Paperback, 24 pages] - Picture 1 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/o4gAAeSweclnrwAm/s-l500.jpg)
![Little Kiwi Counts the Chicks by Bob Darroch [Paperback, 24 pages] - Picture 2 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ONYAAeSwiLpnrwAm/s-l500.gif)
Little Kiwi Counts the Chicks by Bob Darroch (Paperback, 2015)
AU $13.52
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It's spring and the forest is full of nesting birds. Little Kiwi and Little Sister have never seen so many chicks. They decide to count them all.