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RYCO RSK25C Service Kit

AU $112.95
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Estimated delivery Fri, 17 Jan - Thu, 23 Jan
30-day returns. Buyer pays for return postage.
Brand New
Time to replace your filters on your Ford Ranger PX or Mazda BT-50? Save time and money with the Ryco RSK25C Filter Service Kit 4x4. Containing the Ryco A1784 Air Filter, Ryco RCA227P Cabin Filter, Ryco R2720P Oil Filter and Ryco R2724P Fuel Filter, this convenient and cost-effective kit has everything you need for a full filter change! If you're an avid explorer or camper, you'll know that it can get seriously dusty on your trips. Not only will a good cabin air filter protect your lungs from the dusty air kicked up by the wheels, your engine needs protection from the dust too.