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![Rose Plays Julie [Region 4] - DVD - New - Picture 1 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/z~MAAOSw3rhm9Jsg/s-l500.jpg)
![Rose Plays Julie [Region 4] - DVD - New - Picture 2 of 2](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/97MAAOSwnLlm9Jsg/s-l500.gif)
Rose Plays Julie (DVD, 2019)
AU $21.62
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It's during a term studying animal euthanasia that veterinary student Rose (Ann Skelly) decides to contact Ellen (Orla Brady), the birth mother who gave her up for adoption. But Ellen, who is now a successful London-based actress, doesn't want to know. Undeterred, Rose will not be ignored. And curiosity leads her to discoveries that shake the fragile identity she has built for herself.