This quirky drama is unique in its setting, storyline and production. The characters are lovable and endearing and make you feel like they're people you would love to know in real life. I have seen this series before and will watch it over and over. In a world full of cliched whodunits, this series is a breath of fresh air and I would highly recommend it to everybody.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Witty, entertaining and different. A great production. Only sorry they stopped at two series.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I brought this product because I am a very big fan of Lee Pace and have been meaning to watch for some time. This is a great TV series. It is very unique and quirky, maybe a little corny but still very well written. It is fantastic to watch a show that is completely original with such a great cast and good chemistry. Would definitely recommend to anyone wanting to watch something light, funny, with just a touch of sadness. I dislike nothing about this product, its fantastic quality and a very, very good show.
A great series which I have not been able to find reasonably priced until now. Product first hand and as advertised.
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