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This is truly the BEST TASTING cocoa/hot chocolate ON THE PLANET!!! Why stores here don't sell it is beyond me. In saying that, Coles did sell it for about 5 minutes, then it disappeared. It could be because it was well hidden way above eye level behind the metal frame, so most people never even knew it was there. They need a new in-store ad person. When it comes to this product, I'd do it free. Woolworths has never even had this yummy drink. Oh, if only they knew how much money they're losing (with the right in-store ad).
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This is definitely the best hot chocolate the world over!! It's simple to make and the sachets are great for travelling. I've been buying this brand for a number of years now and have recommended it to friends. I won't use any other.
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Very happy to have received my Swiss Miss Cocoa Drink, it is a fantastic product, great taste and easy to make. Will definitely order again.
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Product is easy to make, just add water and you can add a dash of milk if you like. Chocolate has a great taste, it is sweet but not too much so I suggest not to add sugar as not required.
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A great product, sweet but not sickly sweet. A full bodied cocoa mix with delicate little marshmellows. Yum
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My two girls loved this drink!! We first saw Swiss Miss on Youtube videos and the girls wanted to try it out. The girls particularly love the tiny marshmallows in the drink.
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Quick and easy to prepare. Don't use boiling water or milk otherwise your marshmallows melt. I take sachets to work for an quick and easy drink
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Great value and easy shipping. Love the flavour and ease of using them.
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Love this product for the easy sachet pre measured dose. Perfect for kids to make themselves. No mess or waste.
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Love this product, it has a rich and creamy taste that's not too sweet for a hot chocolate. I was annoyed when Coles stopped stocking this product however this is much better value buying in bulk.
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