The Music of His Promises: Listening to God with Love, Trust, and Obedience by Elisabeth Elliot (Paperback, 2004)

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Grace Notes for Your Christian Life "Now therefore, my son, take strength from the grace of God, which is ours in Christ Jesus."--2 Timothy 2:1 "Whether you can take what life dishes out depends on what you take first. If you take from the grace of God the strength offered, you will find yourself quite amazingly able to bear the harship of life's bitter battle as a good soldier. But the soldier has to be trained, prepared, and equipped first. Don't rush into the fray and try to 'take it' without first taking strength." Take strength from these reminders of the loving sovereignty of the God who has called us his own. Bracing and calming at the same time, The Music of His Promises--fresh thoughts from the pen of Elisabeth Elliot--will soothe your soul and give you strength.