Electric Breast Pumps

Breast Pumps

Having a baby is a wonderful experience that can also be quite stressful, especially because you only want the best for your little one. If you want to breastfeed your baby but you also have to go back to work, a breast pump can help you extract milk for not only relief from sore breasts but also so you can store it to feed your baby later with a bottle. Moreover, a breast pump is an invaluable tool to boost milk flow and feed twins.

Design and Functions

Modern breast pumps are comfortable and quiet while also being easy to clean and maintain. Get a compact model if you want to take the breast pump with you to work or when travelling. Make sure to buy and take along the right kind of batteries. Some models even have support for mobile apps so you can track your milk output as well as feeding time.


The main types of breast pumps are manual and electric, and your choice should be determined by your budget and the way you intend to use it. Generally, manual breast pumps are lightweight and cheaper, and they work well for occasional use. It may prove tiresome for your hands, but some prefer being able to better control the suction. If you want a more efficient and easier-to-use option, electric breast pumps are a good choice, but keep in mind that they are noisier and more expensive.


Breastfeeding and nursing supplies, including breast pumps, require regular and thorough cleaning to eliminate the possibility of bacteria developing inside them. This is vital to ensuring both you and baby's health. For convenience, look for a model that is easy to clean using a bottle brush and soapy water. It is also a good idea to sterilise the relevant part of the breast pump after every use.