Want to grow your ecommerce business?

Introducing eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex. A solution to store, pick, pack and ship your inventory, so you can focus on selling and growing your business. Delight your customers with same day handling and a seamless delivery experience, while you're protected from delivery related defects.

woman opening a box

Get started in 3 steps

  1. Register your interest
  2. Someone from our dedicated specialist team will get in touch with you
  3. The team will guide you through the set up
employee with headset

Find out more about the details of eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex

By entering your information and clicking “Register”, you consent to eBay Marketplaces GmbH contacting you in relation to eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex. Further information on the processing of your data can be found in our User Privacy Notice (including contact details of the data protection officer and possible recipients of personal data).

Orange Connex cannot provide you with information regarding eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex by email without your consent. Information on data processing by Orange Connex can be found in their Privacy Policy.