MTA NSW Member Offer: Free 6 month eBay Store
As a MTA NSW Member, we are delighted to offer you a free 6 month Anchor Store subscription to start your eBay journey.

Jumpstart your growth with eBay
1 in 2 auto part buyers
Have a vehicle saved in their My Garage
Reach 133 Million
Active buyers worldwide*
Every 4 seconds
A car care & cleaning product is sold on*
Are you interested in expanding your business on eBay?
Submit your details below to benefit from our exclusive promotional offer and our team will be in touch to help you get started on
*Mandatory fields

Seller Partner
A marketplace that partners with its sellers, and doesn’t compete. We’ll guide you through set up and help you grow.

Competitive Selling Rates
Sell with even lower fees with an eBay Store Subscription**

Your business is always open on eBay
Access millions of customers anytime, on eBay.

24/7 customer service for your buyers
You and your buyers can count on an available and reliable customer service at all times.

One account to sell worldwide
Access 133M active buyers globally. Use ebay global sites to develop your international sales.

Sales and marketing tools
To help you drive your business and develop your sales.
*Based on eBay data 2023