Welcome to Ironside Beard Oil and Balms.We launched our products in February 2018 on eBay with a great response. Ironside Beard Products only uses premium organic vegan ingredients, wild harvested botanical, essential oils, and organic oils and nut butters to provide the best care. Loaded with moisture-enhancing oils and grounding herbs, this non-comedogenic formula not only improves the look and feel of the facial hair but also reintroduces moisture to those hair follicles that often suffer as a side-effect of daily face-washing. The added moisture and ingredients in our oils and balms can actually stimulate beard growth.
We have also started to make and sell hand crafted balms such as lip balm, heel balm and dog balm.
All our products are also animal cruelty free and vegan friendly. Check out our fantastic feedback and look for us on Facebook and Instagram.
Location: AustraliaMember since: 13 February 2012Seller: torr667
Top Rated SellerIronside Beard Oils and Balms is one of eBay's most reputable sellers. Consistently delivers outstanding customer service Learn more