Baby Walkers

Baby Walkers

Parents are always eager for their babies to make the first steps. Baby walkers for 0-12 month old children give a helping hand, offering support before the baby is ready to move on their own. If you wish, the walker can be even more than that, as many of them come with extra features.

Basic Features

A proper baby walker gives all the confidence a young one needs when taking these crucial initial steps. Therefore, make sure it is safe: equipped with a speed reducer, anti-slipping pads, and a wide base that protects the baby. As children grow fast, adaptability is essential as well. Choose a walker with adjustable height and changeable functions.


Learning to walk does not have to be dull, and walkers can turn it into an entertaining activity. Many baby walkers include extras, such as music, built-in learning centres, and toys. You could also opt for minimal stimulation and pick a walker with extra space for beloved baby toys instead. For instance, you could even make a game of going to the bath by loading the cart with href="">bathtime toys and then wheeling it to the bathroom.

Baby Jumpers

If you would much rather keep your baby in one place and stop them wandering around, then baby jumpers could be the solution for practising standing up. Basically, these are seats connected to elastic straps. Using his toes, your baby can push off the ground and jump up and down, while remaining safe in the seat. The Jolly Jumpers 0-12 months products are among the first of their kind, and you can find one to get your baby moving.


You may wonder how old your child should be to start using a baby walker or a jumper. Usually, all baby products come with an age recommendation. As a rule, babies are ready for one of these once they can lift their own head. When selecting the right model, also bear in mind the weight because not following the limits may result in injuries or a damaged product.