Blank Floppy, Zip & Jaz Disks

Blank Media Floppy, Zip, and Jaz Discs   

Before modern USB flash drives, floppy, zip and jaz discs were commonly used to store media such as computer programs, documents, photographs and even video files. These discs could be read by internal computer floppy, zip and jaz drives as well as external computer floppy, zip and jaz drives. These vintage computing items can be used for functional purposes or simply kept as collectibles.    

Blank Media Floppy, Zip, and Jaz Discs Storage Capability   

Floppy, zip and jaz discs each have their own storage capacity. Floppy discs have the lowest storage capacity which ranges from 80 kilobytes to 1.44 megabytes. Zip disks have significantly more storage capacity. They can hold 100, 250 or even 750 megabytes of data.  Jaz disks have even more storage capacity and they were the first computer disks that allowed home users to store more than 1 GB of data using their home computer hardware. These disks come in 1 GB and 2 GB varieties. This means that they can run significantly more complex programs and store a lot more data than floppy or zip disks.    

Blank Media Floppy, Zip, and Jaz Discs Accessories   

One of the most popular accessories for blank media floppy, zip and jaz disks is storage containers. You can find storage containers that can hold up to 100 disks at a time as well as single disk cases to help keep disks in good condition while transporting them. Labels are another popular accessory for these disks. Stick on labels allow you to quickly and easily identify the content of the disk.