Collectable Card Game Sleeves


Keep Your Valuable MTG Cards Protected With MTG Card Sleeves

If you’re lucky enough to have acquired some of the more valuable and rare MTG cards, you want to ensure that they’re well protected so that their condition doesn’t deteriorate over time.

That’s why you need some special card sleeves to store your cards in.

Which sleeves will fit Magic: The Gathering cards?

For Magic: The Gathering cards you want sleeves that measure 63.5 mm x 88 mm. To provide the ultimate protection for your cards, choose sleeves that are of premium thickness.

What should you look for in a quality card sleeve?

You want to ensure that the sleeves are long enough to protect the tops of your cards. Sleeves should also be strong enough so that they don’t tear easily. Especially, if you’re using them on cards while you’re playing the game.

You also want to avoid sleeves that are too rubbery or slick because these will make shuffling difficult. Make sure that the sleeves you choose have a snug fit so that no dirt, dust or other debris can get in and damage the cards.

What kind of sleeves should you not use in tournaments?

If you’re competing in MTG tournaments, there are actually some sleeves that are banned or discouraged. These mainly include metallic sleeves and silver backs. Also, avoid using sleeves with holographic images when you’re competing.

However, these sleeves are perfectly acceptable to store your cards in while they’re not in use.

Which brands of sleeves are commonly used by MTG players and collectors?

There are numerous brands of sleeves that you can buy, however, the MTG community generally favours the following brands:

  • Ultra Pro – Collectors say that certain colours are more durable than others.
  • Dragon Shields – These are highly recommended although warping of cards has been an issue for some people.
  • Mayday Sleeves – These come with a guaranteed fit.

Dragon Shields also have sleeves that will fit YugiOh cards and others.