Cuticle Treatments

Salon-Free Healthy Nails With Cuticle Treatments

Are your fingers looking a little worse for wear? Dreaming of a manicure but can't get to the shops? Cuticle treatments are a great way to give your fingers a treat, without costing a fortune. If you're wondering what treatment is right for you, eBay has a variety of options available.

How to choose

Cuticle treatments are designed to give moisture to your cuticles and nails. Excessive cold, sun, chlorine, or salty or soapy water can cause chapping, cracking, and drying – all of which can make for uncomfortable fingers if you're not taking care of them. Cuticle treatments can help restore the health of your cuticle and nail. They also stimulate nail growth by increasing circulation around the nails and can improve the overall health and appearance of your nails.

There are three main types of treatment.

Cuticle oil commonly includes a blend of natural vegetable oils such as avocado, coconut, and almond oil, as well as Vitamin E, which softens the skin and aids in damage repair.

Liquid cuticle treatments exfoliate your fingers, dissolving any dead skin. Once you apply it, you simply wait a few minutes and it will soften your skin so you can push them back gently.

Gel cuticle treatments soften and remove superfluous cuticle skin. It is fast-acting and at the same time moisturises and conditions the area, giving you optimal cuticle health.

Whether you prefer oil, liquid or gel, they are all designed to do the same thing – give you beautiful, healthy nails. They are easy to use and will either be a few drops straight to the nail, or they'll include an applicator. You'll apply (sometimes massaging), wait a few minutes, and then you can gently push the cuticles back. Check the instructions to see what's right for your chosen product.

If there's a particular brand you like to use, you can shop for them on eBay through the customised menu, or by applying the right filters. Browse through the full range to see what's available and your nails will be looking healthy in no time.