Photo Shooting Tables & Light Tents

Light Box

A photographer's light box, also known as a light tent, is used to create high quality, well lit photographs. The light box has translucent sides that diffuse light from multiple sources, allowing for an even, almost shadowless lighting against a simple, solid background.

Not to be confused with an artist'sprojector light box, LED light box, orblack projector, which are typically boards lit with LED lighting for tracing and other art applications, a photographer's light box is perfecting for capturing the ideal product shot, highlighting the product with no extraneous details in the background or foreground.

A typical set up for a light box is to place the tent on a table, with light sources directly opposite each other and the camera centred in front of the tent. The backdrop is attached inside the tent and falls freely down into a gentle curve at the back of the tent. The best backdrop will be clean, wrinkle free, and a solid colour. Moving your subject forward or back in the tent will create different effects, as will pointing the lights at an angle. You'll always want to leave space between the subject and the tent walls so that you can position your camera so none of the backdrop edges are visible.

Light box kits may be sold with a variety of included features and accessories, depending on the model chosen. These may include the tent, a carry case, non reflective backdrops in various colours, velcro designs, machine washable backdrops, a front door for the tent with a slit for the camera, various lights in various watts and temperature colours, light stands, soft box, bracket stands, gels, and camera stands. If there's a specific feature you want, always check the model to ensure it's included. Light boxes come in a variety of sizes, so always consider the size of the objects, animals, or people you'll be photographing. Whatever your requirements, you're sure to find the perfect light box for your photographs right here on eBay.