10TB Internal Hard Disk Drives

10 TB Internal Hard Drives

It happens to everyone eventually: You find yourself running out of space on your computer. Or your hard drive fails and you need to replace it. The very first decision is, of course, the storage capacity. At the beginning of 2017, the largest for an internal hard drive was 10 TB. At the end of the same year, the largest size has grown to 16 TB. With a 10 TB internal hard drive, you can store an extremely vast library of music, photos or videos on your computer.

Internal vs. External Hard Drives

If you intend the drive to be for backup only or want a way to make various data portable, then an external hard drive or a portable one is your best bet. On the other hand, if you are intending to add plenty of storage space to a current machine or are looking to build a new desktop, then an internal hard drive is for you.

Hard Drive Speed

Does it really matter if one is slightly faster than the other? The answer, as with so many things in technology, is it depends. Hard drives spin at a certain number of revolutions per minute (RPM), and they range from 3600 to 15000 RPM at the top end. In theory, the faster it spins, the faster your data can be written or retrieved from the disk.

Hard Drive Cache Size

The cache size, or disk buffer, is not as important as the size or speed, but it can still significantly improve performance. Acting as the temporary memory space, it minimises the time you need to wait for files to be written onto the drive. It also helps your computer with multitasking as it provides a temporary space in which an action can happen.

Solid State Drives

Solid state drives (SSDs) are ones that do not have any moving parts. They are able to access data very fast and require less power to run. This speed and high performance comes at a price though. You will find that hard disk drives are significantly less expensive than a comparable size solid state drive.