Animals Party Balloons

Animal Party Balloons and Decorations

Whether you are planning a jungle birthday party or a safari back-to-school get together, the easiest way to decorate is with balloons and hanging animal party decorations. There's always more room to hang decor than to sit it on a table, and with so many options, bringing the jungle indoors is easy.

Air or Helium

There are two options for blowing up the animal foil balloons you picked out. While a little tricky, you can fill them with air, but the better and more popular option is to use helium. The benefit of helium is the fact that the balloon will float in the air. Attach a couple to the gift table, or pass out one to each guest to take home.

Make a Petting Zoo

Make your child a petting zoo for his next party. Take giant animal walking balloons and corral them in a corner. Another option is to use oversized cut-outs and hang them on the wall. Forget pin-the-tail on the donkey; how about pinning the trunk on the elephant?

Table Decorations

Now that you have the room decorated and ready to go it's time to move on to the tables. Zoo-themed cups, plates, and napkins are a must, but how about tossing a few animal drinking straws and blowouts into the mix? There is so much you can do with this type of themed party, don't be surprised if you tend to go overboard.

Think Outside the Box

When you think of animal balloons and decorations, the first thing that comes to mind is a shaped balloon or perhaps a square or round one with your favourite animal pictured on it. How about giving guest something they don't usually see: a number four made from a snake or a zero made from a monkey?