Anker Mobile Phone Solar Power Chargers

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Anker Solar Power Chargers

For those who go camping, hiking, hunting, fishing or simply spend time away from electrical outlets, keeping devices like mobile phones and tablets can be a challenge. You can use your vehicle if you have one nearby to recharge them, but that can be time-consuming and keeps you away from all of the fun. That's where a mobile phone accessory like a solar power charger, such as those made by Anker, can keep you on the move and connected to the outside world in case of emergency or if you catch the big one.

What is a solar power charger?

A solar power charger, such as an Anker solar power charger, is a series of foldable flat panels that you can lay flat on the ground if you are stationary or wear on your back if you are on the move. These panels come with USB ports that you can plug your smartphone, tablet, e-book reader or other device into and recharge with the light of the sun. In addition to not needing to be connected to an electrical outlet, these type of solar chargers generate no emissions or greenhouse gases, making them environmentally friendly.

What are some features of an Anker solar power charger?

Some of the features you can find on an Anker solar power charger are:

  • Multiple ports
  • Charging speeds of 2.4 Amps per port or 3 Amps total
  • Compact design
  • Durable construction
  • Surge protection

While Anker solar power chargers are compatible with many devices, there are some that they are not, such as iPods, HP TouchPads and Asus tablets.