Baby Shower Greeting Cards and Invitations

Baby Shower Greeting Cards and Invitations

Whether it's a first baby for expecting parents or a third, we hold baby showers to celebrate the impending arrival of a new baby. Friends and blood relations gather with gifts in hand that help parents to prepare for their growing family, from baby supplies, to furniture, to maternity clothes.

Baby Showers

Baby showers can come at any time, according to the schedule of the expectant parents. However, the ideal timing of the party is often at some point before the third trimester, so that they have enough time to get ready for the arrival of the baby. A lot of planning goes into the actual party. Baby shower invites, party favours for the guests, games and food all need to advance planning for the event to go well.

Handmade Baby Shower Cards and Invitations

More parents are nowadays opting for handmade baby shower greeting cards, invitations and favours. These can be either be water colours, oil paints or simply crafts from innovative material. However, handmade baby shower cards and favours give a more personalised touch and make the guests feel loved and cherished.

Designing a Baby Shower Card and Invitation

While designing a baby shower card or invitation, it is important to keep in mind whether there is a theme. The parents' tastes and styles are also an important consideration. Moreover, the budget of the person planning the baby shower is also an important consideration. Girls' baby shower cards and boys' baby shower cards are also different. It’s a good idea to know the gender of the baby beforehand but not wholly necessary. Neutral options are available if you look hard enough.

Types of Baby Shower Greeting Cards and Invitations

There are many designs and options available for baby shower cards and invitations. They can be digital designs and prints, including florals or a parent’s favourite print and pattern. They might come in the shape of the baby or baby’s nappies, bottles, rompers or other thematic shames. They can be handmade and painted as well.