Craft Turning Blanks

Essential craft turning blanks

Anything turned on a lathe started out as a blank piece of material. Craft turning blanks come in all sorts of materials, colours and forms, but essentially, they are the raw material that you construct your finished item out of. Sometimes blanks are bought in a pre-treated square or round blocks or sometimes they might literally just be a lump of wood just waiting for you to craft something.

Whether youre going to craft something out of wood or a type of metal, a good set of blanks will get you started.

Resin blanks

These are blocks of either hardwood or softwood which have been treated with a resin to reduce the risk of it splintering or breaking whilst its being turned on the lathe or drilled. The resin makes turning with this type of wood safer as it fills in any hairline cracks or splits. Turning is a great way of creating sections of furniture, such as chair or table legs, as well as for more decorative pieces of art.

Bowl blanks

Craft your own beautiful handmade wooden bowl by starting off with a ready-waxed turning bowl. Where making a bowl or other curved shape would be extremely different with standard oblong shaped turning banks, wood turning bowls already come in the correct shape, so all you need to do is use your wood turner to shape the middle.

Pen blanks

If beautiful wooden pens are your kind of thing, choose from the huge arrange of different colours and styles of pen blanks available. Specially designed to the correct size and length for pen making, these blanks are very ornate and are made from Tasmanian myrtle, camphor laurel, which are chosen for their beautiful markings. These blanks are great if you have just started learning how to work with wood.

Whether youre new to woodworking or youve spent many years creating all sorts of amazing projects out of wood or metal, then a good set of craft blanks are a must.
