Cole Haan Men's Shoes

Cole Haan

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Get the Right Look With Cole Haan Men's Shoes

Whether you have a big presentation to handle or are heading out with your family, you can complete your look with Cole Haan shoes. Cole Haan makes many styles of shoes, from the formal to the casual, and you can find both new and used eBay Cole Haan shoes.

What kinds of dress shoes does Cole Haan make?

There are dozens of dress shoes that can look good with suits or slacks. Most are either brown or black, but there are gray and blue shoes as well. Choices include:

  • Harrison Wingtip Oxford - With a leather upper and rubber outsole, these shoes have energy foam in them for cushioning. They also have a lightweight torsional arch for support and stability.
  • Holland Venetian - This is a sleek, simple shoe with a rubber forefoot and heel taps. It has an anti-microbial sockliner for freshness and a cushioned Grandfoam footbed.
  • Feathercraft Grand Oxford - These Oxfords are made with a molded sockliner for a snug fit and a crafted stitch upper. The Grand Flex pattern is included in the forefoot for optimal flexibility.
  • American Classic Kneeland Penny Loafer - These loafers are made with leather throughout the upper, the outsole, and the lining. In the upper, a soft calf leather has been used. The Grand 360 contoured footbed can be comfortable even if you're on your feet all day long.
Are there any eBay Cole Haan shoes that are weatherproof?

Many of the eBay Cole Haan styles have been designed with the weather in mind. Several of the boots and sneakers are waterproof or water-resistant, such as the:

  • Wagner Grand Chelsea Boot - These classic cap-toe boots are made with waterproof nubuck, and the full rubber outsole provides traction.
  • GrandPro Hiker Boot - Made for the trail, these boots have water-resistant leather uppers and Grandfoam footbeds. Heel pull tabs are included for easier entry, and the laces go all the way up to the top of the ankle.
  • ZeroGrand Wingtip Oxford - These shoes have an athletic feel and are lightweight with an EVA outsole. The knit oxfords with leather detail are water-resistant.
Types of Cole Haan sneakers

If you're looking for a more athletic shoe, there are many choices. There are:

  • Tennis sneakers that are ready for the court
  • Turf sneakers with rubber bottoms
  • Trainers that are versatile
  • Trail sneakers that have higher shafts
  • Running sneakers that are light and flexible