Concerts Travel Tickets

Concert Tickets

Speed is often of the essence when buying concert tickets, given that tickets to most popular concerts tend to sell out in minutes. This comes as no surprise because fans wait eagerly to see their favourite artists perform live. Luckily, you can follow a few simple steps to make sure you don’t miss out the next time around.

Think Presales

Tickets to several concerts become available to select groups before they go on sale to the general public. One way to get a hold of presale tickets is by joining fan clubs of the artists you like. Another is to keep an eye out for alerts from your credit card company. You may also consider signing up with popular online ticketing platforms such as Ticketmaster and Ticketek.

Online Sale Date for Regular Tickets

If you miss out on presale tickets, get ready for the date when regular tickets are set to go on sale over the Internet. Login to the site you wish to purchase tickets from around 10 to 15 minutes in advance. Consider using multiple devices because some ticketing websites do not accept simultaneous requests from the same IP address. Using a dedicated app instead of the traditional web page is usually faster and more efficient. Make sure you have a quick and dependable Internet connection.

Check the Resale Market

The resale market in no longer as dubious as it used to be, and there are several reliable online platforms you can turn to when looking for concert tickets. However, you should think hard about buying resale tickets from unknown entities, even if they’re hard tickets, because you can’t tell until it’s too late if they’ve been converted into e-tickets.

Don’t Give Up

No matter whether you need a ticket for a concert in Victoria or a ticket for a concert in New South Wales, keep at it till the time the event starts. Call the local box office on the day of the event to check if there are any delayed ticket releases or if you can get your hands on tickets resold by season-ticket holders.