Cymbidium Orchids

Enhance Your Garden With Exotic & Stunning Cymbidium Orchids

Cymbidium, sometimes referred to as boat orchids, is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the orchid family Orchidaceae. They have been hybridised for over 100 years and as a result, the spectrum of colour, size, growth, and shape has shifted significantly from the original flower.

Cymbidium flowers range in size from 1cm to over 15cm in diameter and can have up to 50 blooms per raceme (spike). The range of colours includes everything from deep chocolates to brilliant yellows and reds. From cascading varieties to temperate styles, there is plenty of choices available on eBay.

Facts about Cymbidium Orchids

  • Its natural habitats include Australia and the tropical regions of Asia.
  • Cymbidiums are prized for their long sprays of blossoms, which are used to produce beautiful bouquets and corsages.
  • They have thick, waxy petals that bloom in the spring and can last for up to two months on the stalk.
  • They prefer lower temperatures and will frequently close their leaves if the temperature climbs too high during the day.
  • They require a lot of moisture to grow
  • Cymbidium orchids have exceptionally stunning flower spikes
  • For the plants to flower properly during the mid- to late summer, they require a substantial temperature difference between day and night.
  • Too much sun scalds the leaves. Too little sun turns them dark green.
  • They flower from 4-12 weeks on the plant and at least 2-4 weeks as cut flowers.
  • The stems of certain species are thin, but the majority have pseudobulbs on the ends of their stems.
  • When there are three to twelve leaves present, they are grouped in two ranks and have the ability to last for several years.
  • The leaf bases persist after the leaf has faded, resulting in the formation of a sheath surrounding the pseudobulb.
  • Floral arrangements are formed on a single unbranched blooming stem that emerges from the base of a pseudobulb or, less frequently, from the axil of a leaf.
  • It is customary for both the sepals and petals to be slender and plump, free of blemishes, and similar in appearance to one another.

How to grow Cymbidium orchids

If you’re new to growing these orchids, the following tips will assist:

  1. Plant them at the end of winter and you’ll have bloom from spring into summer. These plants prefer the cold.
  2. If you have them outside, avoid direct sunlight and stick to morning light, shade in the afternoons. Inside, place them next to an east-facing window.
  3. These orchids thrive in a rich, loose organic potting mix.
  4. To water, flush the water through the potting mix as tap water can harm the leaf. Don’t let it dry out, but don’t over-water.
  5. Apply fertiliser twice a month, or at the start of the season, spread some slow-release pellets in the soil. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilisers as this can stunt the growth of the flowers.
  6. If your plant is healthy, it should be free from pests and disease, but keep an eye out for insects just in case.

Shop online today and you’ll find plenty of variety to choose from.