Stairlifts & Accessibility Elevators

Accessibility Stair Lifts and Elevators

For anyone with physical limitations, having stairs in a household can make it very tough to live independently and safely. Installation of an electric stairlift or elevator can provide a solution to many problems around accessibility to upper levels of a home. Internal and external stair lifts and elevators in a variety of configurations give freedom in many ways. They are of benefit to individuals living on their own, and caregivers alike.

Stairlift Features

Powered by rechargeable batteries, there are no loose cords to trip on and stairlifts remain able to operate in the in the event of a power cut. Chairs with back, arm, and footrests often fold up so they take up less room when they are not in use. Other stairlifts feature a platform with barrier arms for wheelchairs or to stand on while going up and down. Many chairs often feature safety belts to reduce the risk of accidental falls while in moving up or down stairs, and sensors to detect any other objects on the stairs. Remote controls make it easy for users to control the movement from their seated position, rather than have to locate the switch on the equipment.

Stairlifts for Straight and Curved Stairs

Straight stairlifts for straight stairs of one flight usually have a rail that you fix to the stairs themselves, so no modifications to walls are needed. Stairlifts for curved stairs usually require some customisation to fit to the angle of the curve on your stairs, and any landings midway up. Curved stairlifts are also available in models that easily secure to the stairs. If you're looking for a stairlift for outdoor use, check the model is weather resistant.

Accessibility Elevators

Accessibility elevators can be the perfect solution for many sized indoor and outdoor spaces. They're easy to install beside an outside deck. They come in narrow dimensions for inside spaces, or wider for wheelchair use. For a temporary solution during recovery from an accident or injury, portable elevators can make access easier.