Fairy door

Fairy Doors

Kids young and old enjoying displaying fairy doors as a way for the little gremlins to enter and leave or just because they're fun. They are magical additions to any room, and thanks to their adorably diminutive size, you can put them in the dining room one day and a bedroom the next. Compare the designs and colours, and review the inventory of other play toys to add to an existing collection. Add make believe zones in your living spaces by creating a toy fantasy land.

Preschool Pretend Play Toys

Pretending is one way children learn, so stock up on preschool pretend play toys in themes like bathing, cooking and gardening. Fantasising about making brownies or bathing a doll can help children learn what they like. Playing with a stethoscope could lead to your little one becoming a real-life doctor, or playing with action figures may mean your child becomes the next Stephen King or George Lucas. Furthermore, children love to play dress up using costumes and accessories to emulate cartoon and famous animated characters from films.

Decorative Fairy Doors

There are a mix of decorative fairy doors to consider, such as a three-piece set of miniature hobbit doors that glow in the dark for nighttime fun. Attach a fairy-sized door above a shelf or other location using two-sided tape, or sit one outside that has space inside to add a tea light and create shimmering silhouettes.


Choose a door made from unpainted pine so you can make it any colour or add a personalised design. Others come pre-painted and are ready to display and use. You can also find resin doors featuring enamel paint so you can use it inside or outside. Alternatively, look for fairy doors kits with the door and accompanying pieces constructed from medium-density fibreboard or MDF that you glue together.


Some doors include a mat and tiny lights to welcome any and all fairies to your house. Accessory pieces may include a door knocker and handle, a letterbox, or tiny ladder. Most include fairy dust or even a key so the imaginary beings can travel without interruption.