Farming & Agriculture Motors

Farming and Agriculture Motors

Farming and agriculture motors are needed for a variety of purposes in modern agriculture. Pumps, threshers, loaders, industrial wood saws, winches, augers and more require reliable mechanical power. There are many models and types of motor to suit your needs.


The power of motors is often measured in horsepower (HP). There is a large variety of options for power output in motors, commonly ranging from 2 HP to 16HP for most commercial motors. 6.5 HP petrol motors and 13 HP motors are the most common, and are generally suitable for most purposes.

Diesel or Petrol

The majority of modern motors available for purchase are petrol motors. The key difference between diesel and petrol motors is that diesel motors do not require electronic components such as a spark plug, although electric starter motors are still common. As diesel relies purely on compression to generate the heat for combustion, rather than petrol’s reliance on an ignition source, they can often be more reliable. Diesel motors also have greater fuel efficiency, using up to 20 per cent less fuel than petrol motors. The drawbacks to diesel are its increased fuel cost, slightly higher exhaust production and louder motor noise levels. However the fuel cost and environmental concerns are often countered by the lower fuel consumption.


Most purchasable motors have a horizontal shaft design; they are made to be operated on a flat surface, with the shaft extending out one side. Power can then be transferred mechanically to where it is needed via camshafts, belts, gears or other mechanisms, all of which are easily purchasable. Stationary motors usually use either a single or two cylinder design.


Pump kits are a common accessory for motors, with an easily connectable horizontal input for a motor’s output shaft. These pumps are commonly fire-fighter grade and can move large amounts of water rapidly. Replacement electric starter motors, spark plugs and engine parts such as pistons are also available.