First Aid Products
While first aid kits and bags can easily be purchased anyway, sometimes all you need are certain components that need to be replenished within an existing kit. Maybe you want to assemble a first aid kit from scratch on your own. Whichever it is, there are many products you can shop for to ensure you are ready for any small medical emergency.
Bandages, Gauze and DressingsMinor cuts, wounds and scrapes are among the top situations requiring first aid, and that is precisely what bandages, gauze, and dressings are for. Cohesive bandages are a must for small nicks and cuts, while gauze is necessary for soaking up small amounts of blood or to apply iodine. Dressings are for more major cuts, scrapes and wounds, so it is useful to have in your kit to help protect a wound temporarily while taking someone to a doctor or medical professional.
Ointments, Creams, and OilsFor thoroughly clean a wound and prevent infection, it is necessary to clear debris from the wound and then disinfect it with a disinfectant ointment or cream. Because of this it is a must-have in every first aid kit. Besides disinfectants, some pain-relieving gels, creams, sprays or oils are handy as well for sprains and bruises. Top your kit off with a burn relief spray.
Other Medical ToolsBesides the dispensable items mentioned above, you can also purchase items like syringes, scissors, tweezers, vomit bags, tourniquets, and thermometers to fill up your first aid kit. Still, make sure you check the capacity of your kit before purchasing to avoid overloading it. If you are building a kit from the beginning, you will need to get yourself a bag or box as well, in a size that you want, to act as the storage for your first aid items. Travel kits should contain basics and should be small or at least light for you to carry around easily. For the purposes of the home or workplace, you can expand your kit to pre-empt for various emergencies.