Fisher & Paykel Stainless Steel Side-by-Side Door Refrigerators

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Fisher & Paykel Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerators

From dishwashers, ovens, refrigerators and integrated kitchens, Fisher & Paykel create efficient kitchen appliances with an emphasis on modern design. The best example of this philosophy is their line of Fisher & Paykel French door refrigerators. Spacious, durable, and oh-so fashionable, these fridges are at the heart of every discerning homeowner's abode.

French Door Fridges

French door fridges have a two-door design that allows for more storage capacity at the cost of compactness. For bigger homes, this should be no problem, but if you have a cramped living space, taking precise measurements of your fridge space is required. The line-up of Fisher & Paykel French door fridges has many features in common, such as humidity control systems to temper the humidity via slides in each storage bin to maintain the perfect climate for your veggies. Another one is their spill-safe glass shelves, which effectively contain spillage to keep it from dripping to the items below.

Integrated French Door Fridges

Integrated Fisher & Paykel refrigerator models blend seamlessly with your cabinetry and kitchen counters to maintain a flush design perfect for modern homes. The RS90AU1 is an integrated French door fridge with a 525-litre volume along with handy features like an internal ice maker at the right door. These is also a white colour version to get that clean, pristine look in your kitchen.

Bottom Freezers

Bottom freezers are efficient designs that turn your Fisher & Paykel fridge into a 2-in-1 fridge and chest freezer appliance. Top freezers lack the space of bottom freezers and are also rather unsafe, especially when frozen food slips out when you open the door, running the risk of injuring yourself. Also efficient for people who use the fridge more often, they feature durable slider designs to make the contents easily accessible.