Grill/Smoker Combination Unit BBQs

Grill/Smoker Combination Unit BBQs

In terms of outdoor cooking, nothing beats the convenience of using a grill/smoker combination BBQ. When throwing a party in the yard, it’s best to have all the tools you need so the guests wont have to wait long to dig in. Thats why roasting, grilling or smoking with an all-in-one grill/smoker combo is the quickest way to serve your guests as it keeps everything is within arms reach.

Charcoal Combo

Charcoal grill/smoker combination BBQs produce some of the tastiest roasts. The convenience they provide is practically unbeatable. Additionally, having BBQ ribs smoking away while you grill the preliminary burgers as appetizers is a good way to keep the feast going. Charcoal is the traditional fuel to use for grilling, as it produces the heat required but imparts that smoky flavour we all love. Buy a lightweight combo unit that has a moderately sized smoker attached on one side, while a long, roomy grill comprises its main body. A rack at the bottom lets you store utensils, and a preparation rack conveniently placed at waist height makes prep work easier. But if compact is what you need, go for a two-part barrel-type grill/smoker combo that has a fire pit at the bottom for grilling and a smoker at the top.

Wood Grill Combos

Some wood grill/smoker combo units take the traditional brazier design that basically looks like a trough made of steel propped up on four legs. It has slots for kebab skewers but also allow for a rack to be placed on top for grilling steaks and burgers. Others are basically fire pits with large bezels so you can make your preparations as the fire starts raging.

BBQ Wood Pellets

Infusing some additional flavour to an already juicy BBQ is always a good move if you want your guests to keep coming for more. Drown the food in smoke with your combo units smoker by using a bag of wood pellets. These are available in lovely flavours like apple, hickory, savoury herb, and even whiskey. To use them, simply place 100 ml in an aluminium foil packet, put the packet over the coals and start cooking.
