Gym & Training Fitness & Running Shoes

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Guide To Gym Shoes: Shop Wisely

Whether you’re working out at your local gym, or you have your own setup in the shed at home, you need quality shoes. Although it’s tempting to wear your trail running shoes to the gym, it’s actually not good for your feet to mix and match. You should always have a gym pair that’s best suited just for your workout levels. eBay makes this shop easy.

Choosing the right gym shoes

There are three main things we do at the gym – hit the cardio equipment, like the treadmill; lift weights; or attend cardio or strength training classes. Each of these has specific requirements for what you need in a shoe.

If you generally stick to the treadmill, you want shoes that support how you run. You want them to have quality cushioning and comfortable uppers. You might be able to wear your trail running shoes for this, but you don’t want as much traction – your feet might stick to the treadmill making the run harder.

For lifting weights, it’s important to have a strong, flat grip on the ground. You want to keep your routine safe, so avoid wearing shoes that have high-tech, thick soles. And skip the advanced running shoes. Try barefoot models or flat soled shoes instead.

Hitting the classes is all about keeping your feet comfortable. There’s endless jumping and shuffling from side to side, squats and lunges, burpees and push ups. You want to keep the bottoms of your feet protected, as well as your ankles and your toes. Get a pair of gym sneakers that have plenty of cushioning, protection and grip, as well as a large space for toes.

Shop by brand, search for women’s or men’s shoes, and check out the deals from local and international sellers. The gym and training shoe category on eBay will lead you to a range of shoe designs – all with great features to suit your next workout. Head to the gym in style with gym shoes from eBay.
