
Bring the Beautiful Sound of the Harp to Australia

The harp offers a grand, physical experience. For this reason, finding a harp to match your body shape and posture is crucial. If you don't find a harp that suits you, then you'll spend 90% of your time tuning your harp and then another 10% of your time playing it out of tune. Brands of harp include Heather, Schoenhut, Rees, Pixie and more.

Lever Harps

Lever harps are much smaller when compared to pedal harps. If you plan on transporting your harp, then lever harps are a brilliant option. They are more affordable and a good starting instrument. That being said, there are many professional level lever harps available to choose from. Lever harps are ideal for folk music but the volume of the harp can be limited, so if you plan on blasting out some classic tunes in the old concert hall then this may not be the right harp for you. It is, however, possible to buy an amp for your harp so you can boost the total volume of your sound.

Pedal Harp

Pedal harps are of a higher price range than lever harps. This is because this kind of harp is huge and they offer the instrumentalist the ability to play in a huge range of musical styles. These harps are capable of playing at high volumes and they are most commonly used in contemporary and classical music pieces. Pedal harps are impressive to look at and they are much more suited to experienced players. That being said, it is more than possible for a beginner to learn how to play the harp by using a pedal based instrument. Pedal harps have 7 pedals at the base and this links the discs at the neck of the harp by using an intricate mechanism that passes through the pillar. By using this, it's possible to place the harp into a middle, low, high, sharp or natural position.