KeepCup Mugs


One-stop shop for all things from your favourite brand

KeepCup Mugs

Momentum to reuse and recycle is growing and now is the time to get involved. Throw out your paper cups today and get started, without compromising your beverage experience. KeepCup aims to make reusing cups easy and reduce our waste from coffee and tea cups all over the world. Shop for your KeepCup right here on eBay and hold your brew guilt-free, with a touch of luxury and style.

Environmentally friendly

Do your bit for the environment by using KeepCup mugs. Reusable, recyclable cups offer a solution to feeding our needs whilst being mindful of consumption and contribution to landfill. This reusable cup brand creates quality products so that you can use your KeepCup mug every day. Swap bottles for a plastic KeepCup today.

Take it anywhere

Coffee has become a 21st-century vice and we need one with us at all times. KeepCup mugs are portable, so you can go from your home espresso machine or filter to the car, train or bus with ease, coffee in hand. Take your reusable coffee cups with you on your travels, starting now.

If you're on the go, ask your cafe Barista to fill your glass KeepCup instead of a disposable cup. There is no excuse for waste now that KeepCup are on the scene.

Pick your style

KeepCups get it. Reusable cups have to appeal to you every day of the week. Pick your design from a range of materials. From glass, cork, plastic and silicone, search through a huge range of styles.

If you're into "Star Wars", go for either the R2D2, Stormtrooper or Chewbacca designs to show off your favourite film, or go for the Longplay range for a timeless look.

Even shop for replacement lids on eBay to revitalise your reusable cup every year, ensuring that your KeepCup will never run out of style.