Power Adapters and Chargers for ASUS Laptops

Laptop Power Adapters for ASUS

Need a new power adapter for an ASUS laptop? There are a great number of user-friendly options on the market that provide the power it takes to run an ASUS laptop efficiently. Knowing more about various options allows the user to make a decision that best fits their needs.


Power adapters for ASUS laptops come in many styles that fit the needs of the user. The three most common types of power adapter include the AC standard adapters, AC and DC power adapters and DC in-car adapters. It is helpful to choose a laptop adapter that includes high-grade features that offer overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection and short-circuit protection.

AC Standard Power Adapters

Laptop power AC standard adapters and chargers for ASUS models are available in numerous voltage output choices. Voltage output style requirements vary depending on the model of the ASUS laptop so it is a good idea to make sure to verify the information prior investing in a laptop adapter. Some of the most popular choices include the 19- and 19.5-volt adapters.

AC and DC Power Adapters

People who are seeking laptop power AC and DC adapters and chargers for ASUS models can find a host of options available to fit their devices. There are options to cover the needs of voltage output requirements that range from 12-volt to 20-volt power adapters. These products are compatible with models from ASUS Eee laptops to the ASUS K Series, among other choices.

DC In-Car Adapters

Many ASUS laptop owners like to take their laptops with them while on the road. Keeping the battery fully charged is easy to do with the help of a DC in-car adapter. There are various models made to fit the power requirements that ASUS laptops need which helps make it easy to find the perfect adapter. These types of laptop adapters also come with models that include features to help protect the ASUS laptop from power surges, overcharging and short-circuit issues.