Middle Eastern Men Traditional Clothing

 Find Traditional, Quality Middle Eastern Men’s Clothing Online


If you're shopping for traditional Middle Eastern clothing, there are several options available on eBay from reputable manufacturers from around the world. The easiest way to shop is by using the filters to find the right size, brand and price. Although you likely already know what you're looking for, if you're buying for yourself for the first time there are a few things to keep in mind.

Traditional Middle Eastern clothing for men

Traditional clothing for men from the Middle East is classified into several categories, and it can be determined by the region. The following are some of the options you might find on eBay:


In regions of the Middle East, Arab males have historically dressed in a "galabia," a knee-length shirt that can be worn freely or tied around the waist with a leather belt. They may also be seen wearing baggy pants underneath. The tunic or "abaya" that covers their entire body is worn when it is cold (a long, open coat made of camel hair or wool).


The primary function of Bedouin attire is to provide protection from the sun and sand. Bedouin attire can be wrapped around the wearer's body to keep the sand and sun out of their eyes. Heat absorbed by the material is not directly transferred to the skin since loose clothing shields the skin from the sun and allows for plenty of open room to move around.


A typical Bedouin male will dress in an aba (a long khaki ankle-length sleeveless robe) and a red tasselled sash, which are both traditional. They may have a dagger tucked away in their belt from time to time. During the night, the aba is wrapped in a blanket. A thobe is a traditional garment worn by Bedouin men in a variety of settings (a long white gown). They may also choose to wear a long-sleeved coat, known as a gumbaz or kibber, over their thobe.

There's so much choice when it comes to shopping online for Middle Eastern men's clothing. You'll also find a large variety of Middle Eastern clothing for women and children so you can rest assured you'll have everything you need for your wardrobe all year round.