NERF Outdoor Toys

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Build your NERF empire

Revisit your childhood days or brighten a kid's day with a great new NERF gun from eBay! The NERF gun has been entertaining young warriors for decades. Insted of going with standard toy balls and puzzles for the little ones, buy a Nerf gun that will have them up and active for hours.

If the little ones are already serious NERF gun users, upgrade to a new model or branch out to a different style. You can recreate their favourite Star Wars scenes with the NERF Glowstrike gun, which can fire up to 21 metres and has a rotating barrel. Those stormtroopers will have no idea what they’re in for!

Not a Star Wars fan? Not a problem. You can choose from hundreds of different NERF guns, toy balls and other equipment on eBay and build your own empire!

Fun for everyone

The NERF gun has no age requirement, except of course with the tiniest humans who you may want to keep away as there is a potential swallowing hazard. But otherwise, boys and girls of all ages can be entertained with the NERF gun. Each gun has different specifications and will generally come with its own NERF bullets so you'll have plenty of extras if some get lost under the couch or out in the backyard. If you do find yourself a little short on ammo, you can always purchase more separately.

With the range of NERF gun styles and designs available online every day, you'll have no shortage of excellent options. The machine gun design will have the kids (or you!) firing a barrage of bullets at your target while the dart blaster will enable shooters to find the target with precision.

Jump onto eBay today for a fun, active gift for the children to get the little ones out and about away from screens.