Decorative Scented Candles

Decorative Scented Candles

While candles have been a part of worldwide culture for generations, they have also become a great way to add ambiance to a room as well. There are a plethora of decorative scented candles that you can put in virtually any setting to add your own personal touch of style, with the added bonus of some lovely smells as well.

Candle Types

There are a variety of candle types that you can choose from to suit the particular room or mood you are creating. Larger candles, such as pillar candles, can make more of a statement and act as the centrepiece of a table or room. On the other hand, tea light candles are much smaller and can be scattered throughout a room in a more subtle way.

Candle Scents

One of the most popular uses for decorative candles is their contribution of wonderful smells to a room. What makes them ideal for decoration is that you can find just about any scent your heart desires. For example, vanilla scented decorative candles can add a warm, delicious scent to your setup, while floral smells, such as those from rose scented decorative candles, can be a great addition as well. Whether you are looking for a scent that reminds you of the outdoors or simply your favourite kitchen aroma, you are sure to find one that suits your decorating needs.

Candle Waxes

Decorative scented candles can be made from a number of different waxes. The type of wax can affect how long the candle burns for, along with how strong their smell is. The most common types of candles are made of soy wax, beeswax, and synthesised waxes.

Candle Accessories

To add even more flair to your decorative scented candles, you can utilise candle accessories. Beautiful dishes and bowls can be used to hold a number of small tea light candles, while candelabras, candlesticks, and even lanterns can make more of a serious statement.