Wool Overcoats for Men

When it comes to protection from the cold, you can’t go past wool. The very nature of the fibres makes it the ideal product from which to produce sweaters, jackets, socks, beanies, literally anything we wear in cold weather. So, it makes sense that woollen overcoats are highly sought-after items of winter apparel.

It’s All About the Crimp

Wool has many properties that make it the ideal raw material for warm clothing. It is soft, warm, elastic, durable, and particularly useful when we are around heating appliances, it is highly resistant to fire. The reason it is so warm is because of something called crimp. Wool has tiny pockets of air between its fibres which react to changes in body temperature. By circulating heat, wool fibres are able to keep us warm when we are cold, and cool when we are hot. It’s moisture wicking properties help to keep moisture away from the body, making it an excellent choice for bedding as well as clothing.

Buying a Woollen Overcoat

A woollen overcoat is a big investment, something you will own for years to come. You’d better be happy with the style. Also think about what you will wear it with. Make sure it will match the rest of your wardrobe. No sense buying a camel-coloured coat if most of your clothes are navy or black. You also need to buy a coat that will still be in style years down the track. If it goes out of style next season, it’s going to sit in your wardrobe instead of on your shoulders. The other main point to consider is the fabric itself. It’s probably the biggest contributing factor to the cost of the coat. Sheep’s wool can be cost effective but goat’s wool (cashmere) is much more expensive. Goretex is another option and is blend of wool and a synthetic material that blocks wind as well as water.

Whatever your taste and budget, you will certainly find what you’re looking for in the eBay stores. Find that perfect men’s woollen overcoat for yourself or the man in your life.