Photography Light Meters

Photography Light Meters

Taking the perfect photo isn't just about the right camera; it's a combination of tools meant to create just the right shooting situation. The most important tool when it comes to photography lighting is photography light meters. These handheld devices measure the lighting and let you know if the atmosphere is right for the photos you want to shoot, and reduce the risk of overexposure.

A La Mode

Light meters offer two main modes of measurement. The first type, flash photography light meters, primarily measure the light that comes from a camera flash. These meters disregard ambient light in order to focus on lighting the photo using only the flash. They are also handy for multiple flash situations in a studio. Ambient photography light meters read natural light for an accurate measurement of available light to create the perfect photo opportunity.

Brand Appeal

As most photographers know, there are multiple meter brands to pick from. From traditional, well-known brands like Minolta and Zeiss to professional photography options from Sekonic, there's a meter for every budget and need. If you're a brand fan, select the type of meter you desire from your favourite brand, or look for a meter that fits into your budget range. Quality brands promise quality products, and many popular photo equipment names have been around for the long haul.

Just My Type

Back before tech exploded, photographers used analogue meters, which are still available for photo purists. Analogue meters may lack the bells and whistles of the more modern digital readers, but the result is still the same. For buyers on a tight budget, analogue options are generally less expensive, which may work well for beginning shooters.

Photo Features

While you browse light meters, you may discover that some features stand out more than others. Keep these in mind while you shop for the perfect piece of equipment. Some more sophisticated meters include a touchscreen, while some have an automatic on/off switch. A light-up screen is helpful during night shoots, and a wrist cord makes your meter portable.