Pilot & Stewardess Costumes

Pilot and Stewardess Costumes

Along with police and firefighter costumes, pilot and stewardess costumes are some of the most popular profession-based costumes for Halloween or fancy dress parties. Some of these costumes are very realistic, and look like the real uniforms that pilots and stewardesses wear on aeroplanes. Others are more playful and take recognisable features from these uniforms, but exaggerate them to make them more obvious. There are pilot and stewardess costumes available for women, men and kids so you can find one for nearly anyone.

Women's Pilot and Stewardess Costumes

Women's pilot and stewardess costumes come in a few different styles. Some of them feature long trousers, and others have a skirt instead. Most of them feature solid colours, but some have distinctive stripes around the cuffs and waist. Many of these costumes feature badges that resemble a pilot's badges, and brass buttons that go down the front.

Men's Pilot and Stewardess Costumes

Some men's pilot and steward costumes resemble the streamlined uniforms of modern commercial airline pilots. There are also costumes available that represent pilots from different eras, such as WWII fighter pilots. These typically feature a leather bomber jacket with military patches and badges. Some costumes resemble aviator jumpsuits, and they are one-piece suits that zip up in the front.

Kids' Pilot and Stewardess Costumes

Kids' pilot and stewardess costumes are typically less realistic than the adult versions. Most of them feature soft materials that are gentle on a child's skin. You can find them in trouser and skirt varieties, and many of them have a scarf or ascot that goes around the neck to help accentuate the overall look.

Accessories for Pilot and Stewardess Costumes

Pilot and stewardess costume accessories can add an element of realism to the costume, or simply make it easier to recognise. Pilot's caps are one of the most popular accessories, along with aviator sunglasses. Aviator caps with goggles are another accessory that is easy to recognise.