Pull Up Bars

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How you can get Trim, Tight and Toned with Pull Up Bars at home

Want to have an intense upper body workout every day without having to step foot in a gym? These Pull Up Bars are the dream way of performing an intense body weighted workout, not only are the inexpensive, they are effective and easy to use. Arnold Schwarzenegger will not have anything on you after a month of regularly working out with these Pull Up Bars, they are effective at sculpting and muscle definition.

Where can I put my Pull Up Bar?

You can find 'Chin Up Bars' which sit above your door frame, or in your door frame, which are a convenient way of doing pull ups. Alternatively, there are push up handles for the floor, which reduce strain on the wrist and increase definition and strength of the trapezius and shoulders.

How much weight can a pull up bar hold?

You will find diverse selection of Pull Up Bars, which have different weight limits. A 'heavy duty bar' can hold up to 150 kg, it weighs approximately 6.5 kg, and gives you 38 cm worth of space between the bar and the ceiling.

Is there a cheap way to make a home gym?

Yes, is the simple answer. If your priorities lie with staying or getting fit, whilst adhering to a budget, you will not be disappointed with the range on eBay. The budget friendly options of Fitness Equipment and Gear on eBay means that you can create your own home gym, whether cardio based, strength training or stretching equipment, you can find it all. To ensure that your body remains in peak condition, why not consider Vitamins and Dietary Supplements to ensure your body gets adequate nutrition and support for a healthy lifestyle.