Scrapbooking Tools

Scrapbooking Tools

Whether you are an avid scrapbooker or someone who just enjoys making the occasional paper craft, you'll want to look at some scrapbooking tools to make your projects look great. There are so many different types of tools to check out it might be overwhelming. The important thing is to check out tools that look enjoyable to use.

Paper Punches and Shapes

Paper punches come in so many different shapes and types. From the standard binder hole punch to a small duck shape, there are even ones that will put a rounded edge on your pages. Paper punches vary in cost almost as much as they vary in size and the shape punched. Keep in mind that the larger ones will be quite heavy.

Crafting Scissors and Paper Cutters

Scrapbooking paper edgers are a necessity in scrapbooking. You will want it when you are trimming photos, cutting words out or even just to add a fancy border to a design. Any scissors you choose should be comfortable hold in your hand. If you're left handed, you'll especially want to see if the scissors will work for you. Other than that, there are a number of fancy scissors that will cut different wavy or zigzag type lines. These are especially helpful to add interest to different parts of your scrapbook page.

Paper Cutting Templates or Die

Scrapbook cutting templates, or metal die, are like paper punches in that you can find a huge variety of shapes and sizes. Unlike paper punches, these die require their own machine. Once you have the right machine though, you can use the cutting templates to cut dozens of paper shapes quickly, or vinyl or any other compatible material.

Other Scrapbooking Tools

Of course, there are a whole host of other scrapbooking tools to look at. Do you need a ruler to ensure the right size and shape? What about a ruler with a fancy edge that you can use to use to tear a design into paper? Then, of course, there are bone folders to help score and smooth down paper folds. You could also find the extra blades for different cutting devices in this area.