Reusable Cloth Nappies

Reusable Cloth Nappies

If you care about the environment you will probably know just how much plastic waste goes into our tips every year. Unfortunately, a big part of that waste comes from nappies. With so many new babies being born and each one of those needing a large number of changes per week, that’s a lot of plastic adding up. One way that you can do your part in reducing the amount of waste is by using reusable cloth nappies. As they are washable and reusable it means that you can save money along with caring for the environment.

How Reusable Nappies Work

Reusable cloth nappies have the same shape as disposable nappies, but they use cloth instead of easily biodegradable materials. You can fasten them on your baby using Velcro strips or safety pins and then use a waterproof cover overtop if you wish for extra protection.

Not Just White

Reusable cloth nappies do not only come in boring old white. You can choose from a range of colours and designs, which will look great while keeping hold of whatever comes out of your baby.

How to Clean

After changing your baby, make sure to tip any excess poo into the toilet and then rinse along with any other cover you have used. You can keep a nappy bucket or wet bag and put all dirty cloth nappies into there until you are ready to wash. Wash the nappies either by hand, or drop them into the washing machine, then hang out to dry.

How Many to Buy

Just exactly how many reusable nappies you need all depends on how often you are prepared to wash them, on your baby’s needs and if you will use them full time. As a guide, having around 15 to 25 nappies is a good idea to get you through a few days without doing a washing load. It is easy to purchase cloth nappies in packs of five or ten so you can stock up quickly.