Steam Mop Household Steam Cleaners

Steam Mops

Steam mops are becoming more and more popular as replacements for the traditional mop bucket of floor cleaner and rope mop. They require a great deal less time and effort, which is why they are so popular today. Traditional mopping takes a great deal of strength and energy, not to mention cleaning products. Many types of steam mops do not even require the use of a cleaning product. The hot steam sanitises the floors and removes 99.9 per cent of bacteria.


Steam mops vary by brand, but in general, they are lightweight and have a small reservoir for water. Some mops heat up within seconds, while others take a few minutes. Each mop uses its own mop pads that fit that mop, or that brand of mop, and some of these are better than others. There are pet-specific models, which can be helpful with cleaning up pet hair and eliminating odour. Depending on your home layout, you should get a mop with a long enough cord and a mop head that will fit into the areas that you need to clean. Some people have very large rooms to clean, and for them a wide mop head is helpful.


Mop pads are a major accessory for steam mops. Each must be compatible with the make and model of steam mop. Most mop heads are reusable and can go in the washer and dryer. If you do not have a washer and dryer at home, you may want to consider purchasing extra brush heads.

Cleaning Solution

Most steam mops do not require any cleaning solution. They just need water in their tank. However, some people choose to add essential oil, like eucalyptus or lemon, to their water, while others purchase a special steam mop cleaning solution. This may be helpful for hardwood floors with certain finishes. It is not advisable that people steam clean their unsealed wood floors, however.


Hybrid steam mop and vacuum appliances exist, and allow you to get both jobs done at the same time. Instead of having two appliances to vacuum, then mop, this one does it all at once. Some people claim, however, that using the two appliances is more effective.