Stokke Baby Cots & Cribs


One-stop shop for all things from your favourite brand

Innovative Concepts, Scandinavian Design

Baby stuff is certainly not one-size-fits-all. What suits some parents may not suit others. While some parents will be happy with a plastic high chair that simply does the job, some prefer to buy beautifully designed high chairs, such as the Tripp Trapp from Stokke. Seriously Scandinavian, Stokke is a brand that incorporates world-renowned Scandinavian design with innovate concepts that work for both baby and parent. The Tripp Trapp high chair is one such example of this, the Stokke Sleepi cot is another.

Featuring a distinctive oval design, the Stokke Sleepi Bed is designed to grow with the child. Newborns start with the Sleepi Mini, but as the baby grows, so does the bed. The mattress features adjustable height positions, making it easy to get baby in and out of the cot, while also allowing for extensions in size to make the bed bigger. Taking the child from newborn all the way up to ten years old, the Stokke Sleepi offers a range of conversion kits that transform it from a small cot, to a larger cot, to a toddler bed, to a big bed. And the accessories? For this unique style of bed, there are plenty of accessories to invest in. From the Stokke Sleepi Canopy, to sheets designed to fit the oval mattress, there is loads to add on to allow parents to get the most out of this innovate design.

Buying Stokke Baby Cots and Cribs

Okay, so Scandinavian design is gorgeous to look at, while being pretty darn clever. But, it can also be fairly expensive. For parents who want to invest in Stokke baby cots and cribs, who perhaps don’t have heaps of money to throw around, buying pre-owned can be a great option. In steps eBay! Home to an amazing range of baby furniture, eBay is the place to buy everything from bassinettes to baby swings. With an excellent selection of Stokke baby cots and cribs, eBay can also help parents save some money by buying used. Beautiful design, much happier price!